commission status: closed

contact (and email used for paypal):

ko-fi: rkn001

terms of service
by commissioning, you agree to abide by the terms of service as listed in this page. the agreement is made upon the first communication for a commission. note that i have the right to reject any commission inquiry or request for any reason (even if it isn't outlined in the terms of service), without explanation. if you have any questions, please direct them only to my email,
general policies
  • all prices are in USD. i accept payment either through paypal (through an invoice) or ko-fi. do not send a payment for a commission without my request.
  • see below for the lists of things i'm willing to draw and things i will refuse to draw. note that i have the right to refuse a commission that doesn't fall under those listed categories. if you aren't sure what counts as something i may or may not draw, please ask.

Will draw

  • original characters + fan characters
  • fanart of canon characters
  • gijinkas + anthro furries (the latter isn't my strong suit but i will try!)
  • simple armor + simple mechas

Will not draw

  • anything abusive, harmful, or offensive
  • anything suggestive, nsfw, or fetish
  • irl people
  • complex armor / mecha designs
  • if you are commissioning for an original character to be drawn (or of a character with barely any official art), please submit as many references as possible, where at least one of these references is an image. any such references will do, such as text descriptions or stock images of poses or items for them. the more references you provide, the more likely it is i'll accept your commission — and even if i do accept, i may ask some questions about them just to get a sense of what the character is like and for me to get an idea on how to depict them.
  • you have the right to inquire about the status of your commission at any point while it is being completed; however, do not rush me, as doing that will affect the quality of your commission. i will at least provide updates about any delays that may happen for whatever reason; please be patient with me about this.
  • revision policy: you may request minor revisions for free up to two times after a commission has been delivered. minor revisions include any details i may have missed from the references, or slight changes to the piece. major revisions, such as an overhaul on the color work or a pose redo, will be subjected to extra payment, up to half of the paid price of the commission.
  • tips are optional, but much appreciated! if you'd like to give a tip, feel free to send one to my ko-fi.
usage & credits
  • i may use your commission for self-promotion, such as examples of commissions. if you are not okay with this, please let me know.
  • you may not use any of my art, commissions or otherwise, for: non-fungible tokens (or any other block-chain purposes), artificial intelligence art training programs, and any for-profit platforms or purposes.
  • you may use your commission for non-commercial purposes, such as for profile pictures, banners, and wallpapers, or as physical prints that are not meant to be sold or distributed to any other party. (thus, do not resell a commission piece by me to anyone or anywhere else.) provide proper credit whenever you use the piece; see the next bullet point for credits and rights.
  • you may not claim your commission piece as your own or of anyone else who isn't me, as the credit for the piece belongs to me, the artist. (note that this does not change the credits of the character or characters involved. of course, if any of the characters are yours, you have the claim of their rights —— you just don't have the rights of the piece itself.)
august 2023 summer commissions
please refer to the terms of service above before you request a commission of this type!

i offer the following types:

  • cleaned sketch: a sketch of the character that has been cleaned up. it is somewhat unrefined, but i will try my best to make it look as nice as possible. the entire character will be in black and white.
  • flats: like a cleaned sketch, except the character's main colors will be visible, without any shading done. the lines will be colored as well.
  • fully shaded: like a flats commission, except shading, highlights, and other touch-ups will be added.

for all of these types, you have the choice of having a half-body or a full-body of your character. see below for examples and pricing.

(character: enker, from mega man classic. © capcom)
(character: my mega man fan character, pilot man)
cleaned sketch flats fully-shaded
half-body $20 $36 $56
full-body $30 $46 $72
additional character policy
  • each additional character will cost an extra 50% of the respective type and size of the commission for your first character. (for example, if you commission two characters, both half-body and flats, your first character will cost $36, and your second character will cost $18, in which you'll be paying a total of $36 + $18 = $54.)
  • i will impose a limit of four characters per commission.

commission pieces will only have a transparent, white, or gray background of your choice.

(character: my pokémon fan character, remi)
  • commissions are available on a per slot basis. check above to see updates on the total number of slots available!
  • payment must be done upfront once i've accepted your request.
  • no refunds will be given once payment has been accepted, unless under extreme circumstances.
  • i will not accept any of these commissions with a deadline or on a short notice.
  • the delivery of the finished product will happen within two weeks after payment (not accounting for any delays that could happen during this process).